Tuesday, June 12, 2007

God, it's hot!

I'm not trying to imitate Paris Hilton (she's back in jail - score!), I'm talking about the heat. Sweden is now, I guess with the rest of Europe, in a heat wave. And it doesn't cool down during the night, it's like 24 degrees C at one in the morning.

But I guess I shouldn't complain, I've been waiting for some warmth in our cold northern country. It's nice not having to put on a bunch of clothes just to go outside. And when I go to work at 7:30 in the morning, it's already warm outside.

So, what's happened since the last time I wrote? I've been working and getting into the Internet support part of my job. I help people with their Internet connections, which is a bit more depressing than selling stuff, but it's nice when I get it to work. Amazingly, it's often the customers fault that it's not working. I would have never thought that before starting this job.

We had a party about a week ago, for both my and Pelles birthday. I've put some pictures in at the bottom for you to check out. We had a great time, getting wasted, eating chips and talking about everything from politics and philosophy to Britney Spears and heavy metal.

Also went to a friends wedding on Saturday. It's weird when people your own age start to get married. It was fun, and I got to experience some Swedish wedding traditions I'd never seen before. I've realized I've only been to weddings in the U.S and Ireland before. There are a lot of similarities, but also a lot that differs. The bride and groom walk up the isle together, and the female minister said something like "Let's take it easy" when they kissed at the end, as a joke. Weird joke from a minister, I thought. Very Swedish - not even the minister is too religious.

For the TV buffs out there, I'd like to recommend the return of "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip", even though it's been cancelled, they're showing the rest of the season now. It's such a pity it's being cancelled, it's sooo good. also, "Big Love" on HBO is returning, and that's real goo TV for ya's.

Hope you're all having great summers, even if it can get a bit hot. Let's hope Paris learns something in jail and that she comes out reformed (yeah, right - she'll mostly be upset because she couldn't shave her armpits and pluck her eyebrows!). I dunno why I even care (I have been getting way better at NOT reading tabloids online, so I don't really know much about the celebrities anymore, which is good). But anyway, have a good one, and I'll be back soon.

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