Wednesday, May 02, 2007

So, like, things are finally happening

I got a job! Finally, after 4 months of endless applications, dead-end phonecalls, and scouring the web (and actually considering a few tele-marketing gigs), I got a job to keep me afloat during the summer. So here it is: I'm gonna be delivering newspapers. Now, I realize this seems like a simple paper route, but here in Sweden things are a little different. They don't let anyone do this, since people get cranky if their morning papers are late. And it pays a helluva lot more than minimum wage, because of the uncomfortable hours. And as luck would have it, I'll be doing two "districts", since only one would not pay enough. So every morning for most of the summer, between 3AM and 6AM, I'll be working. I don't mind, except for the fact that I will have to get my drinking done after work, early mornings. One of the perks is that I get to distribute newspapers right here in my own neighbourhood once a week.

Anywho, the students of Lund just celebrated our favourite holiday, "Siste April", as it is known here. Nothing fancy in the name, it just means "last of April". So me, my friends, and thousands upon thousands of fellow students made their way to the municipal park early in the day, found a spot to sit on, and began the drinking. Last year the city had to spend around SEK 350 000 (Roughly $52 000) to clean the place up afterwards, and despite efforts to keep the place clean, I imagine that it will cost even more this year.

After a number of hours in the park, me and my peeps returned to our housing area Vildanden, and continued the party there. We had a large tent. With salvaged furniture.

So April last turned into May first, when people across the world take to the streets to celebrate the workers of said world. The lefty politicians hold speeches and there's marching and band-playing. And here in Lund the university's very own men's choir held their annual concert to welcome spring. I was at home, nursing a particularly bad hangover. The final beer-tally of the previous night landed at 27, twenty seven 12 oz cans of beer. Which one hell of a record for me. All in all, a good day.

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