Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Nothing like people who blog, of course

God, it's like unhappening-city here. I guess that's because Mats and me are working, like normal people, and don't have as much energy left over for stuff like blogging.

But today is one of my two days off this week (working on the weekend pays more), so here goes: I spend my days working, watching TV, partying a bit with my friends while playing PlayStation or watching the series "Heroes". I'm also eating way too much junk, and, it's raining like heck here. Thursday and Friday were flood days here in Skåne, and I've never seen that, not that I can remember. I mean, it wasn't as bad as those pictures I saw from England, but there was a bunch of problems. Two elderly women died since the ambulances couldn't get to them in time. No because of the water - the flooding was only in certain places. No, this was because half of Skånes home owners thought that it would be a good idea to call 112 (our 911) to get information on how you can pump out water from your basement. Who ever was calling on the ladies behalf couldn't get through. I dunno what to say ... I mean, I get that people get a bit panicky when water is filling up in their house and all their stuff is getting ruined. But isn't the point of an emergency number to save lives? Some people are just too full of themselves.

Nothing like people who blog, of course.

Have a good one!

PS: Feel very free to post a comment of two. It's nice to see who's reading (I know there must be at least one or two of you) and what you think about it.

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