Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Summer in the little city

So we actually have some proper summer weather here now. It's in the freakin' 25-35 range right now (80's and 90's for those of you who don't use the logical system). And apparently people are dropping like flies in the heat, at least that's what I read in the paper. I'm not ready to check out just yet, though my room would probably be classed as a sauna if inspected by the authorities right now. I'm on the north side of the building, which means that my room stays pretty cool during the day, but at around 6PM or so, the heat that's been blasting the rest of the building all day finds it's way down to me. And steams me. Like crawfish. It's gotten to the point where I'm thinking that my computer would be better off if I stuck it under the shower...

Anywho, it cools down in here at around 2-3AM, which suits my rythm quite well at the moment. More than halfway through summer right now, with little more than a month left until school starts. I'm giddy as a schoolgirl (can't a schoolboy be giddy?) and at the same time terrified, but I don't mind. I've been told that I have some pretty hard work ahead of me, and that I'll probably be spending 7-9 hours a day in school, five days a week, which will be slightly different from my previous schedueles, where I'd mostly have a total of FOUR hours of lectures, plus a TWO-hour seminar per week. But hell, that's probably what will get things done, since I've never had a problem with doing work whilst in school. It's the read-four-300-page-books-at-home-each-month routine that I have trouble with.

Still, this nothingness of summer is getting to me. I've had nothing to do for the past two months, apart from an exam at the beginning of June, and our trip to France and Ireland. And I must say, there are times when I get bored. In a couple of weeks I'll be getting back to moving and shaking, as I have some old exams to retake (not too worried, they're easy ones from the evening class I took last year that I just didn't have time for then), and I'm actually looking forward to it. Go figure. And then, in just over a month, I'll be heading up to yet another university department, to begin studying journalism.

Yayers for me!

(Oh, btw, there are a couple more songs uploaded on Tapet's myspace page now, and I'm actually in them this time! Find them at http://www.myspace.com/datapet)

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