Sunday, May 27, 2007

I've been busy! For like, the first time

OK, so it turns out I was wrong about how much time I'll be spending delivering papers this summer. It's not one straight month, it's two. Starting June 1st, I'll be working every day until August 10th. I don't see how I'm gonna be able to do that, I guess I'll just have to try. I've been out on a couple of test runs with a girl who is showing me the ropes, and it's pretty tough. Pushing cart with 300 obese Sunday papers in it, and then running up and down stairs for two and a half hours isn't nice. I've been coming home at 6AM barely standing up, legs feeling like rubber, and a sore armpit. The armpit-thing might sound weird, but try stuffing 20 folded-up Sunday newspapers under your arm and keeping them there for a while, and come back to me. And this is my "easy" district, once I start in June I'll be serving a district almost twice as large downtown, which means taller buildings, more stairs, and well, more papers.

The money isn't bad for three hours a day (or night, I suppose), it'll be as much as I'm getting out of our poor government at the moment, and since I don't have to pay any rent during the summer I'll have twice as much money to spend on... well, you know, actual stuff.

So right now I'm in the middle of the end-of-semester rush, I'm halfway through writing a paper that should have been done a month ago, and as soon as I'm done with that, I'll be sinking my teeth into the one for this course. This human rights thing is pretty interesting. Not as interesting as it sounds, mind you, but more interesting than I thought it would be... go figure. A smart man called human rights "a secular religion", and there is quite a bit of truth to that. It's okay to question the different rights ("should we have a UN convention on rights of bank tellers"-ish) but once one crosses into the "who says that we as human beings have rights, and why should we listen to him/her/it?" one opens up a big can of ugly idealist worms. Words like "fascist", and "hamster-murderer"come flying from unexpected directions. Still, one's not allowed to say that human rights exist because we agreed that it was a good idea and created them for everyone and all. Oh no, it's been a constant process, formed out of religion and enlightenment. When I say religion, I mean Christianity, of course, because it was us westerners that invented the idea. Sorry, we didn't invent, we just wrote it all down. I gotta play the religion card again, because it all sounds alot like when the Bible was written. "Oh no, father, we didn't make it up, we just, um, chronicled a bunch of stuff that really happened."

Oh, there I go again, using bad examples to underline a mediocre point. I'm too tired to do this...

Goodnight to both my readers, and remember to respect each other's right to freely participate in your respective country's cultural life(which is an actual human right, just check out the UN:s International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights §15a).


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