Monday, March 17, 2008

Snow on St. Paddy's...

I hate the weather in this town. It's just weird. This morning, when I home to go to the library, it was warm and sunny. Well, when I say "warm", I don't mean warm, but at least it wasn't cold. Anyway, not a cloud in the sky. So, I dressed accordingly, wearing only a t-shirt and my jacket, no scarf and no gloves. And I didn't bring an umbrella either. So, after spending a few hours deep inside the university library, studying, I get up to leave for a seminar which I was still incredibly unprepared for. And lo and behold, when I step outside, it's freaking snowing! And it was windy too, a bonafide snowstorm! So, a five minute walk later I arrive at the cultural sciences department where I'm currently at, looking like a [very wet] snowman. And of course the temperature had dropped quite a bit, which wasn't very nice, considering my spring-ish attire. After the seminar, the snow was still coming down in force, so I decided to take the bus home. But no, I'd left my bus-pass at home (I'd walked into town back when the sun was still shining). And I didn't have any change on me, so I had to walk. And the snow just kept coming. And still is, at 9:30PM. It's a little funny, since we haven't really had any snow at all during the winter. Of course, it's only logical that it comes now. The weather hasn't really ever made sense here in Lund.

Anywho, I passed my last exam, the first sit-down exam I've had in over two years. Now, I didn't pass with much to spare, but you should know that I really didn't study as much as I should have. For some reason, however, I seem to actually remember what my professors say during the lectures, which is totally weird, and never happened in my Peace & Conflict Studies and Human Rights courses. Oh, I should probably mention what I'm taking this semester, the course is called "History of Science, Learning & Ideas", and is basically the history of philosophy, with some science and learning thrown in. For my last exam we were dogging through ancient Greece, Rome and the Middle Ages. And I tell you, memorizing almost 2000 years of philosophers, theologians, and scientists, is pretty hard. You try to explain the difference between the Greek philosophers Anaximandros, Anaximenes, and Anaxagoras, and we'll talk. Of course, I could do it, but I wouldn't want to bore you. Anywho, now we've moved on to the renaissance, with fewer names, easier names, and easier to organize, as the different people acutally have fundamentally different ideas, instead of changing ONE minor detail of their predecessor's theory (as was the case with alot of the medieval philosophers and theologians).

Let's see, what else is going on? Right, I'm heading to Malmö next week, for a concert. The artist is Stephen Lynch, an American singer/comedian who sings very funny songs. Titles range from "Altar Boy" to... well, that's the only title which is funny to me, the contents of the songs are very funny indeed. Check him out if he ever comes your way.

And there should be a new song or two on Tapet's MySpace page. Check that out too.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when cold and penniless in Lund, remember(next time)there's amother in a nice warm apartment just a couple of blocks from your lecture hall. she could lend you sweaters, gloves, brolly and/or bus money ... use yer head, kid